The Basics of Fire Safety: A Guide for Fire Officers

2 months ago
Amanda Fox-Rouch

In the ever-evolving field of fire safety, understanding the fundamentals is crucial for fire officers.

Unlocking the Power of Active Recall in Firefighter Training

3 months ago

How can firefighters ensure that the training they receive sticks with them when it matters most? The answer may lie…

Interleaving: The Key to Enhanced Learning in Fire Safety Training

3 months ago

This blog post explores the intricacies of interleaving as a learning technique and how SimsUshare’s innovative fire simulation technology can…

What is Spaced Repetition and How Can It Be Used by Firefighters?

4 months ago

In the demanding and ever-evolving field of firefighting, acquiring new skills and retaining vast amounts of information is not just…

What is the Testing Effect and How is it Relevant to Firefighters?

6 months ago

Understanding and harnessing the testing effect becomes not just beneficial to fire officers, but vital.

How is Fire Simulation Training Similar to Pilot Training?

7 months ago

How do these industries ensure the utmost preparedness? One pivotal tool stands out: simulation training.

Preventing LODDs: Leveraging Fire Simulations to Address the NIOSH Five

7 months ago

A crucial tool in the fight against LODDs is understanding what has come to be called “The NIOSH Five” –…

How to Conduct Effective Training on the Drillground: Tips and Best Practices

8 months ago

Let's unpack the art of crafting and conducting an effective drillground training session.

The Dunning-Krueger Effect in Firefighting: A Path to Greater Competence

8 months ago

The Dunning-Krueger effect states that people often have a cognitive bias leading them to perceive themselves as more competent than…

Igniting Community Engagement: A New Frontier for Fire Safety

9 months ago

While our presence and expertise are critical elements of public safety, fire safety is not the sole responsibility of the…