Amanda Fox-Rouch

The Basics of Fire Safety: A Guide for Fire Officers

In the ever-evolving field of fire safety, understanding the fundamentals is crucial for fire officers.

2 months ago

Unlocking the Power of Active Recall in Firefighter Training

How can firefighters ensure that the training they receive sticks with them when it matters most? The answer may lie…

3 months ago

Interleaving: The Key to Enhanced Learning in Fire Safety Training

This blog post explores the intricacies of interleaving as a learning technique and how SimsUshare’s innovative fire simulation technology can…

4 months ago

What is Spaced Repetition and How Can It Be Used by Firefighters?

In the demanding and ever-evolving field of firefighting, acquiring new skills and retaining vast amounts of information is not just…

4 months ago

What is the Testing Effect and How is it Relevant to Firefighters?

Understanding and harnessing the testing effect becomes not just beneficial to fire officers, but vital.

6 months ago

How is Fire Simulation Training Similar to Pilot Training?

How do these industries ensure the utmost preparedness? One pivotal tool stands out: simulation training.

7 months ago

Preventing LODDs: Leveraging Fire Simulations to Address the NIOSH Five

A crucial tool in the fight against LODDs is understanding what has come to be called “The NIOSH Five” –…

7 months ago

How to Conduct Effective Training on the Drillground: Tips and Best Practices

Let's unpack the art of crafting and conducting an effective drillground training session.

8 months ago

The Dunning-Krueger Effect in Firefighting: A Path to Greater Competence

The Dunning-Krueger effect states that people often have a cognitive bias leading them to perceive themselves as more competent than…

9 months ago

The Role of Technology in Modern Firefighting

In the face of increasingly complex and unpredictable fires, the role of technology in firefighting has never been more critical.…

10 months ago