Set of four (4) simulations created from pictures in Concord, NH for single-family, multi-family, and apartment residences. All simulations are structured to have four (4) conditions/states per location: arrival, [B] better/improving, [W] getting worse, and [D] defensive.
Taxpayer strip mall, two-story, fire in business on 1st floor extends to second floor (apartments) and business exposures
177 Loudon Rd.
Three-story low-rise apartment building, fire in first floor middle apartment that extends into attic/roof and spreads laterally
352 Mountain Rd.
Single family two-story country home, ordinary construction, fire in B-C corner bedroom threatening then extending to second floor
40 South Main St.
Apartment building with room and contents fire starting on 4th floor Delta extending upwards ultimately to reach 6th floor and wrapping to Alpha and Bravo sides