Promotional Exam Package

SimsUshare staff has extensive experience in all aspects of promotional exams using simulation software. SimsUshare staff has designed and conducted over forty (40) promotional exams, ranging from Lieutenant to Fire Chief, for small and large departments, which includes Civil Service and Union organizations.

Promotional Exam Package

SimsUshare offers consulting, development and design services for organizational promotional exams. The service is menu-based and pricing will be quoted at time of request.

The following services are available:

  • Consulting
  • Photography
  • Scenario Design
  • Storyboard Design
  • Examiner Grading Documents
  • Scenario Design Review

SimsUshare conducts the initial consultation, a mid-level review of the scenario and any associated purchased services and a final consultation review upon submission of the purchased services.

The customer will be required to sign for acceptance of the final product, based on the services requested and will accept full responsibility for the outcome of the promotional exam.

The process has been validated recently through successful completion of the Salt Lake City Fire Department (SLCFD) promotional process. A total of three (3) consultations were conducted with SLCFD to achieve the results, which is consistent with all previous promotional processes completed by SimsUshare staff.

Fill out the form below to get in touch about our promotional exam packages.

Fire Simulator Promotional Exams
Promotional Exam Package