Realistic Fire Simulator

Realistic Fire Simulator

Smart, practical features make SimsUshare the most realistic fire simulator on the market.

Realism is an important part of ensuring that your online fire training is effective. SimsUshare is a realistic fire simulator which has a number of built-in features to ensure that your fire simulations are as realistic as possible.

#1: Wide array of adjustable animated effects (smoke, fire, hazards, etc.). Choose from among the dozens of smoke, fire, explosions, and hazards which you can customize in thousands of ways by volume/scale, velocity, density/opacity, and color to match conditions on the fireground or incident situation.

#2.Timing effects. Edit your simulation so that your chosen effects present themselves (or disappear) at different times based on the scenario. You can make the effects and thus, the scenario, evolve over time just like any real situation would.

#3: Use your own pictures. Create simulations with pictures of buildings and residences in your area to create relevant experiences. SimsUshare gives you the ability to simulate any kind of incident you can photograph. If you’d prefer, you can choose from the scenarios in our ready-to-download fire simulation packages to get started quickly, or our special web site,, containing photos ready to be used in simulations for a wide-variety of applications.

#4: Involve multiple companies simultaneously. The SimsUshare CTC allows you to connect to your crew and other companies. Everyone can view, and work on the same simulation at the same time, making this the perfect tool for virtual fire trainings.

#5: Add your own sounds and pictures of your tools and apparatus. Adding pictures of your own tools and apparatus makes the scenario more customized and personalized, and makes training more effective.

#6: Masking feature. Masking allows you to make smoke, fire, and other effects appear as if they are behind the building, enhancing the realism of the scenario. Using a realistic fire simulator as part of your training program is important because it prepares you and your crews for scenarios that you will actually face out on the field. You will find that SimsUshare is the most realistic fire simulator on the market.

Check out the video below for a quick overview of how simple it is to create realistic fire simulations in SimsUshare and make sure to contact us with any questions.