SimsUshare CTC Testing Portal

Welcome to the testing portal! If you haven’t already, please use the form below to request login credentials.

We will periodically have announcements on this (main) page, but have broken out the relevant content into the following sections. Scroll down to browse all, or click on a hyperlink to jump to that section directly:

Please contact us with any questions, suggestions, or feedback.

How to Download and Install the SimsUshare App (Windows & Mac)

The SimsUshare app is used to create and play simulations, whether as standalone or as participants in CTC exercises. If you already have SimsUshare Platinum v2.6 or earlier installed, you need to download and install the current version to have the CTC capabilities.

Please use the regular download area to get the latest version. Click here to go there now.

Note: The CTC-compatible SimsUshare for iOS is in the App Store already. We expect to release the Android version before December, 2018.

How to Access the SimsUshare CTC Web App

The SimsUshare CTC Web App is what you will use to coordinate/control multiple participants (who use SimsUshare App, below). The CTC Web App is a web page you access through a regular browser, at the following URL:

Note: currently, the app is NOT fully working in Internet Explorer, please use Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. We are working on compatibility with IE.

If your City IT has blocked communication on port 8080, you will get an error when you try to join a CTC exercise. Please contact us about what to communicate with your IT personnel.

Please contact us with any questions, suggestions, or feedback.

How to Use the CTC Web App

We provide three ways to learn how to use the CTC Web App:

  1. 15-minute Introductory Videos
    1. CTC Purpose, Use, and How to Report Feedback (02:33)
    2. CTC Quick Start Example Use (12:11)
  2. CTC Quick Start Documentation (PDF’s)
    1. How to Create and Run Exercises 
    2. How to Upload Simulations
    3. How to Download Simulations
  3. Free online class on (free registration required)