Getting Started With SimsUshare

We appreciate you taking a look at SimsUshare, the easiest way to rapidly create fire training experiences and help you imagine ‘what if’s in your first due.

We know you want to get right to creating simulations, and we don’t want to stop you. In spite of its simplicity, SimUshare has a lot of capabilities, so we just wanted to give you some ideas about how to start. Here are our top suggestions:

  1. Activating and deactivating SimsUshare Platinum (1:31)
  2. Overview and making your first sim (3:07)
  3. Frank Lipski’s (FlippedFireTraining.comReview and Demo (10:04)
  4. How to make sims with multiple views and locations (14:00)
  5. A few tips about using SimsUshare in the classroom (text)
  6. Downloading example scenarios (4:31)
  7. Our Facebook page (SimsUshare) has photos and links from what we and others have made — please post what you are doing as well
  8. Our Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ), exploring topics like how to make videos from sims, how to put sims in other folders, and how to project the sims (for mobile versions)
  9. Our Help Center, which provides discussion forums, a knowledge base, means to make requests.

Thanks again for taking a look. Please reach out to me and our team at anytime to let us know what you think or to ask us questions.

> Click here to go to Part II (of III) in this series >


Jonathan Kaye, PhD
President, CommandSim

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